There are three weeks left of school until I can return to good ole Bentonville, AR. However, in that first two weeks the Art History grad students have quite the helping on their plate. I've been working from morning til dark the last two days trying to get somewhere with all this work. All I can say is I've gotten through two books and this blog.
So here is where I'm at.
If I could do anything right now...
I'd probably be hanging with friends in London,
or at a hogs game,
Then goin' a little,
and feeling a little,
With so much to do for FOUR GRADUATE CLASSES, and jamming what should be a two year course into a one year course, all of the information and articles and papers seem to be piling up a bit..
If you're wondering, "What could she possibly be writing about?"...
Applying and analyzing different methods in critical/scholarly writings of 3 paintings by Manet for Monday's Art and It's Histories class (TAKES A BIG BREATH) ...
(if only all my sources could be found in one book)
Research presentation on my (current) thesis topic- Art on the Underground and its role in Public Art sphere for Tuesday's Research Methods class,
The role of wall text in museums, and how they portray "the other"- a comparison of The Horniman and The British Museum for Wednesday's World Art class,
And the role of socially engaged art in education for Thursday's Professional Practices class,
Doesn't seem like a whole lot until you have 9,000 words total and 200+ pages of reading for each. Oh well.. at the end of it all in two weeks we have some fun waiting..
and a very special ginge's birthday celebration! (Kate!)

If we can only get through the next two weeks...
(special thanks to Lisa 'Wawa' for the idea on this blog!)
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