We have had a CRAP ton of things to do with the final semester of grad school coming to a close. On top of the presentations, papers, and projects we also have to get an internship in one of the most competitive cities in the world and write a 12,000 word thesis by the end of summer.
So, on a normal day I wake up...
I get dressed and go to class
And it is probably a good thing too, because some of the conversations in class are REALLY intelligent.
And then someone says something totally irrelevant to discussion and Kate goes,
and I go,
and Lisa goes,
and Lilly goes,
and we are all like,
Butttt our professor Nicola is a saint so we're all, "Go Nicola!"
And she hands papers back and I got an A,
But then I realize I was daydreaming and its really Tuesday in Eszther's contemporary art class,
Someone interrupts Kate's presentation and she is like,
but we finally make it through class and go home,
But we get an email from Bob and it says our 2,000 word annotated bibliography is due a day earlier than he told us before,
and Kate is like, "Why is he doing this??" and I'm like,
Somehow we get it done and make it to Friday and we're all like,
but its Sunday, and my wallet is empty when I go to the store for... you know... food... I don't have money.
and my parents are like, "Didn't I just put money in your account?" and I'm like,
I get an email from a museum for an internship interview,
but it doesn't work out.
THANK GOD my #1 pick emails me and gives me an interview,
In the interview they're like, "Can you work our database? Do you mind learning? Do you mind doing all the crap work no one else wants to do? Fetching coffee?" and I'm like,
Still waiting to hear back...
In the end it doesn't matter- we're in London living the best days of our lives on top of the world and LOVING IT!
(Please excuse the negativity here.. but I'm just trying to take a very stressful few weeks and make it funny!)
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