Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Katie and Beth Visit, Saatchi 'Paper' Private Opening Party, & Summer Nights in Soho

I really lived it up the first part of June before I started my internship. I did end up getting 6,000 words done on my thesis- half way to go! 

Katie and Beth got to make the trip over the pond! I mainly worked on thesis crap, but they got to explore together. They bunked up here, so it was fun to get to have coffee and tea in the mornings and chat before they went out on adventures during the day. We went to the new musical Matilda and it was so fun! I thought the props, transitions, and lighting was especially cool. On their last night in town we went to dinner in Soho and then took a bottle of wine to the steps in front of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square and watched the skyline and fountain. It was perfect! I am so glad they got to come and experience this fab city. 

Last week we went to the private viewing of Saatchi's new collection 'Paper'. There were four or five waiters walking around with grapefruit and apple martinis, champagne, and gin and tonics- FREE. So, we had a jolly good time. The art was rad. Lots of really great painters in the show, which was refreshing as tons of contemporary art here in London has been very conceptual. 
This is a picture of one in a series of bags- this one is a McDonalds bag. The artist has cut into the bag and created tiny trees inside. 
This is Matthew Billingham, his color palette and lines make his work some of my favorites from the show
This work was suspended in the middle of a long 50 foot room. It is made of tissue type paper and hung with string. 

 This last weekend Lilly and Tom invited us out to dinner in Chinatown. We had fun trying a highly rated chinese place in our friend George's Top 100 Restaurants in London book. After, we hit up our new favorite place, Gordon's wine bar, for some cheese, bread and wine. We have had great summer night weather. It stays about the same temperature (around 65 degrees) and the sun hasn't been setting until 10pm or half past.

I'm making every moment count while I'm here!

Until next time.... cheers, y'all! XX


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