Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sunday Funday and other lyfe developments

Things are starting to change everywhere in London-
School is coming to a close, we are moving out of our tiny dorm style flats and into a real life big girl apartment with a backyard and grill, and starting our internships and dissertations.

The weather has been SPECTACULAR after the longest Winter of my life. Somehow, it has magically gone from 30 degree coat weather to 60 degree and sunny skirt and cardi weather. You think the South is dreary in the Winter, its like world peace has come to pass when the sun shines here. People go nuts for some vitamin D in London, and rightly so because we don't get it too often. 

Sunday we had the prettiest day yet, and it was a wonderful chance to get out on the town with my friend Lisa and explore. We headed to our new neighborhood in Brixton and got a little lost. It is a whole new world from where we live now! Lots of cute little hipsters eating their vegan brunches and crepes, instead of posh snobs eating roasted beef (although I will miss Kensington). We ate crepes and drank a bloody mary in Brixton market and headed toward our new place, did some shopping at Marble Arch, and then headed to the pub and patio for a pint in the sun with Aleks and Paul. We watched the Chelsea vs. Man City U football game and I went home for a run to soak in the last rays of the day. 

Monday night Aleks and I went to see my favorite musical of all time, Wicked! It was deliciously good. I had to hold back my vocal cords from jumping on the stage with Elphaba and Glinda. 
Yes, I want to be Elphaba.
Yes, Wicked is the best.

No, Aleks cannot make a serious face.

Yes, okay maybe sometimes he can.

In other news: I got the internship with Art on the Underground! To check it out click here! I will be working with the Mark Wallinger Labyrinth project this summer (hopefully with school groups). I haven't yet hammered out the deets but it looks like I will be starting at the beginning of July. Prayers appreciated.

Til next time,

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Week in the Life of a Grad Student.

We have had a CRAP ton of things to do with the final semester of grad school coming to a close. On top of the presentations, papers, and projects we also have to get an internship in one of the most competitive cities in the world and write a 12,000 word thesis by the end of summer. 

So, on a normal day I wake up...

I get dressed and go to class 

And it is probably a good thing too, because some of the conversations in class are REALLY intelligent.

And then someone says something totally irrelevant to discussion and Kate goes,

and I go,

and Lisa goes, 

and Lilly goes,

and we are all like,

Butttt our professor Nicola is a saint so we're all, "Go Nicola!" 

And she hands papers back and I got an A, 

But then I realize I was daydreaming and its really Tuesday in Eszther's contemporary art class,

Someone interrupts Kate's presentation and she is like,

but we finally make it through class and go home,

 But we get an email from Bob and it says our 2,000 word annotated bibliography is due a day earlier than he told us before,

and Kate is like, "Why is he doing this??" and I'm like,

Somehow we get it done and make it to Friday and we're all like,


but its Sunday, and my wallet is empty when I go to the store for... you know... food... I don't have money.

and my parents are like, "Didn't I just put money in your account?" and I'm like,

I get an email from a museum for an internship interview,

but it doesn't work out.

THANK GOD my #1 pick emails me and gives me an interview,

In the interview they're like, "Can you work our database? Do you mind learning? Do you mind doing all the crap work no one else wants to do? Fetching coffee?" and I'm like,

Still waiting to hear back...

In the end it doesn't matter- we're in London living the best days of our lives on top of the world and LOVING IT!

(Please excuse the negativity here.. but I'm just trying to take a very stressful few weeks and make it funny!)